Killara Public School

Respect, Responsibility, Resilience

Telephone02 9498 2397

Out of school care

Gowrie NSW OSHC (Before and After School Care) is a non-profit-organisation and runs Killara Kids our before, after and vacation care centre. The centre places a a strong emphasis on creating a safe and inclusive environment, and offers a diverse range of activities that cater to children's individual interests and development needs. 

Out of school care hours of operation

Before School care 7:00am to 8:45am 

After School care 3:15pm to 6:00pm

Vacation care 7:30am to 6:00pm

Contact details for out of school care

Currently enrolled:  0428 903 048

Enrolments:              02 8571 9700                        


Website:                   Bookings, forms and further information visit Gowrie NSW.